Lutron is a technology-centered and people-driven company. Over the years, our business has continued to grow dramatically, both domestically and internationally. We began with only 2 products, and now provide over 15,000 products to our global customers. Lutron’s success is a result of the strong principles and philosophies, which guide our growth. Our founder, Joel Spira, developed five principles:As a private corporation guided by our founder’s simple but profound Five Principles,

Take care of the customer with superior goods and services.
The customer is our number one priority and the reason we exist as a company. -
Take care of the company.
Lutron is dedicated to growth and innovative development. -
Take care of the people.
Lutron provides opportunities for its employees to fully develop their abilities and make a personal contribution to the success of the company. -
Innovate with high-quality products.
Deliver value to the customer.
These principles guide each of us in the business decisions we make each day.
learn more about LUTRON by clicking the PDF's below.
HomeWorks QS
Unparalleled Total Home Control
Total Light Management™